tomorrow's chinese LC o level paper (:
hope i can focus well, please don't make silly mistakes arh weiquan.
this morning's trg is very tough, but fun.
i was teamed with Ching Wei, Xiao Wang & Joshua.
at first, we very shag lah, cuz we lost 5games straight.
xiao wang then started to discuss with us some strategies lah.
and now i know he is super smart and pro PG.
and he taught me how to qie properly next time liao.
now i'm more confident with myself.
afterwards, we won 3games straight.
we tried very hard.
& it's the first time i felt so happy during the trg.
because it's the first time that i can play bball happily with no pressure bah and this time round, i always have my team mates to back me up when i fall.
i really didnt regret joining this team.
well, still injured myself. lol.
some noob stepped on my foot when i jump lah.
sprained my left ankle, very pain now.
and i cut my lips, now swollen.
but it's okay (: i dun mind. lol.
anyway, went to celebrate Garret's bday yesterday
with Wen Yong, Min San, Kok Peng, Si Jie & Anna.
we went to play ezone's pool.
but the table and the counter service sucks.
i doubt i'll ever go there for pool again.
somemore so expensive.
ate dinner at zhong huan, the one opposite of tm's long john.
Min San, Garret & me regretted going there for lunch lah.
one small bowl of noodles and a small piece of cutlet cost me $7.
zzz, the school have the same things, but cost less than $2 lo !
crazy lah, heart pain lah, spent so much. lols.

very little right ?? piang, wasted.
then went taking grp photos at playground.
zz, we looked so unglum lah, so lame.

still got a lot photos lah.
lazy to upload. lol.
reached home at 10 & watch tv until 3 or 4 midnight. lols.
ohya, by the way.
i saw this very special postbox few days ago.

wonder who drew these things.
tai shuai le. lols !