Hello! I finally have the time to come blog! :D
YES! COMT IS OVER!Wheeee! It was kinda disastrous when my group was preparing for the oral presentation, many unpleasant stuffs happened. But WHO CARES? It's over! :DD & Thanks Evol for accompanying me during these few days even when you've to prepare for your exam(: Had a mini class photo-taking session on Friday. Laughed until tired & I can't wait to see the photos la! Especially Yang Han's one, the terrifying terrorist look! :P Confirm super 好笑的咯!
Well, for today.. I.. slacked.. FOR THE WHOLE DAY! because there's nothing to do. Walked from living room to kitchen, from kitchen to toilet, then from toilet back to living room. Just like some living dead :/ Completed my MOL today & I seriously need help for Complex Number, I just don't understand la! I don't know what happened to my eyes la, super itchy and it just keep on tearing! BUT IM NOT SAD OKAY, I don't know why either! Haha.