hah. just random pict i took one tuesday.
i love my gatsby wax & billabong pencil box (:
got back my A math paper today, kinda disappointed.
i only scored 15/38 ! so pathetic.
but at least those that i know how to do, i got them all correct.
i didn't finish the last two qns which are so easy lah.
hope my e math, physics and chemistry will do better.
i had a nice dream last night by the way.
i saw myself fetching my little brother from GongShang Primary which is my pri school.
i was very happy somehow and i was carrying his bag while he's smiling so much for donno what.
i felt very peaceful then, like there're nothing to worry about.
haish, but all these only will happen in dreams.
& i dont have younger brother.
banding today was useless.
a nameless teacher came to our class today.
gave us worksheet and expected us to know what to do.
aint he suppose to at least revise a bit of the topic first ?
carlo very bey song with him.
because earlier on, that teacher bo dai bo ji asked him if he can disappear from his sight. carlo answered no, why disappear. that lousy teacher then shouted at him "GET OUT OF MY SIGHT!"
wth. what's wrong with you.
after like 15mins, he finally announced that we need to finish up qns 3,4 & 5.
we were like, totally not motivated to move our pens lah.
we see the qns, no motivation already. so many 12marks qns and want us to finish it without any revision ?!
Carlo then questioned the teacher if he can teach a bit first because everybody thought today's ss banding, so none of us got textbook to refer to.
then that teacher keep answering with just one answer "refer to your textbook, that's the instruction."
wahpiang, we told you we no textbook & you still want to us refer to it !
then that teacher brought carlo out and talk.
meanwhile, the whole class was preparing to "fight" with him already.
whole class very unhappy lah.
in the end, that teacher "won", very xiao zhang.
because he got Mr Chew to depend on. zz.
Carlo have to apologize then.
that teacher in wrong no need to apologize.
both parties are in wrong.
but since carlo said sorry alrdy,
i believe that teacher should do the same thing, but he didnt !
what's going on in this world lah.
teachers are suppose to set a good example for students, aren't they ?
do wrong things, should say sorry what.
why only carlo apologize and the teacher did not ?!
suan le.
anyway, took some photos today.
they're my best classmates (: heh

fareez & fir

hykal cook & retard me

doggy chengwai & fareez

super violent william/abcd/lpzone
MIA: Gabriel & Terence.
today's just bad day.
what's wrong with that teacher lah. zZ