Wednesday to Thursday
Class chalet!It was fantastic (: hahah, very fun. I'm a goooood bbq chef ;) hahaha, self-praise. lol, at least mine is edible & got taste one lah =p Soccer-ed at midnight, had a great fall & it's quite shuang lah. Because.. like after you fell once, you wont afraid to fall again liao. hahaha. Afterwards, slacked with Gabriel, Chin Yang, Cheng Wai & Jun Qun near Swimming Pool. Had lotsa jokes lah, laughed a lot. Watched sunrise and went home. lol, very long never joke so much with friends already, really laughed a lot(:
FridayWent for job interview with Jun Jie and Si Jie. Quite confident of getting the job lah, & mum really love this job which means she approved it. hahaha. Meet up with the usual ppl and shopped aimlessly.
sigh, hair tragedy. today, I know what kind of friend are you.