cuz i didn't screw up my oral !
well, i was feeling extremely nervous before oral. i even lost my apetite to eat despite the fact that i was having gastric. played piano with terence to calm myself down because whenever i imagined the scene where i mumbled, paused for super long and had nothing to say, i would just feel like "running away". i've got only a just pass for trial oral this morning. i read too fast and couldn't pronounce words properly. i couldn't elaborate much too. while i was waiting for my turn, hykal and me chatted a lot and we even tried to cheat as we can see the picture that the person on the 10mins thing was holding. we discussed a lot of stuffs to say regarding the picture and somehow calmed me down a lot ! i think it was because i felt safer bah. hahah. but as soon as it's our turn, we realized that none of the points that we had came out with were related to the picture. however, i find the passage rather easy to read as i read it real slow. the picture, too, was easy to describe and i also said something that even the examiners didnt notice ! (: which means this earned me marks ! hehe. after the picture discussion, i started to feel much more confident already. conversation topic was super fun. the first question was "Do you enjoy the weather in singapore?" i know the question is easy, but i just couldnt talk much, there're just too many ideas in my head, and somehow the ideas were stucked in the brain. lols. the second question was my favourite and it was about Environmental Issues. why my favourite ? because i studied about Environmental Issues last night for my geog test !! i just vomited out everything i memorized (: and the examiners were like interested with what i said lah ! so happy, so lucky. hahah. but i forgot to say "in conclusion, bla bla bla" ==" sighhhh, too excited already then missed out. there goes one mark =/ nevermind, it's okay ! (: wahahs.
suddenly i feel like study until i die.
because i want to feel that excitement again (:
oh, by the way, i'm learning 不能说的秘密 on piano !
i just found the piano score and i find it easy lah.
ohmygod, it's like everything now also easy liao lahh. hahah.
anyway, is there any kind soul who is willing to print for me ?
lols. please. haha.
i'm so happy today (: