i'm bored, real bored.
prelim practical is coming.
i think it'll be very very difficult =/
but it's okay, i think i still can pass (: heh.
investiture ytd was very cool lah.
esp the pass candle thingy. haha.
did paiseh things lah, but suan le bah.
and my cert is . . spoil one.
well, felt kinda like, thrown-away ?
don't know how to say lah.
my cert was printed with Nurizam's name, not my name.
ms chia had no choice but to use a pencil and cancel off "Nurizam" and write my name.
zz, nvm, it's just a piece of paper.
went to whitesand to eat omelette fried rice with the
new president, justin, minsan & kokpeng.
very delicious lah the rice (:
& justin and me were very clever. lol.
okay, we are always clever. heh !
went to challenger and play wii.
i'm a bowling pro !
lols. quite fun lah the games.
okay lah, blog more another day, because nothing much happened these few days.